What is eBPF and Why Should I Care?

eBPF is real, and it's spectacular!

What is eBPF and Why Should I Care?
Photo by Jacek / Unsplash

As technology evolves and computer systems become more complex, so does the demand for highly efficient and effective software. One such technology that is gaining significant attention in recent years is eBPF (Extended Berkeley Packet Filter). But what exactly is eBPF, and why should you care?

What is eBPF?

eBPF, or Extended Berkeley Packet Filter, is a highly versatile and programmable kernel-level technology that allows users to run custom, sandboxed programs within the Linux kernel without the need for kernel code modifications or recompilation. Originally designed for network packet filtering, eBPF has now evolved into a generic framework for various applications, such as networking, security, observability, and more.

At its core, eBPF is a virtual machine that runs custom bytecode programs. These programs are loaded into the kernel and attached to different hooks, such as system calls, network interfaces, or tracepoints, to intercept and process data at runtime. The eBPF programs are written in a restricted C subset, compiled to eBPF bytecode, and then verified and loaded by the kernel using an eBPF system call.

Why Am I Hearing About eBPF Lately?

There are several reasons why eBPF has been making headlines and gaining momentum in the technology world. Let's take a look at some of the key factors contributing to its growing popularity:

With the rise of cloud-native applications and containerization technologies like Kubernetes and Docker, there is an increasing need for efficient, flexible, and secure networking and observability solutions. eBPF's ability to instrument and analyze various aspects of the kernel makes it a perfect fit for these modern infrastructures.

Technological advancements

As eBPF has evolved from its initial focus on network packet filtering, it has gained new capabilities and extensions, making it a more versatile and powerful framework. This evolution has attracted attention from developers and system administrators seeking innovative solutions for diverse use cases.

Industry adoption

Many large organizations, including Google, Facebook, and Netflix, have adopted eBPF for various applications, such as load balancing, DDoS mitigation, and monitoring. Their success stories and contributions to the eBPF ecosystem have generated significant interest in the technology, inspiring others to explore its potential benefits.

eBPF-based projects and tools

A growing number of open-source projects and tools are leveraging eBPF's capabilities, further increasing its visibility and ease of adoption. Some notable examples include Cilium (a networking and security project), BCC (BPF Compiler Collection), and Falco (a runtime security project). These projects and tools not only showcase eBPF's potential but also provide a starting point for developers interested in using the technology.

Community support and events

The eBPF community has been actively organizing conferences, meetups, and workshops to share knowledge, experiences, and best practices related to eBPF. Such events help raise awareness about the technology and foster collaboration among developers, researchers, and industry practitioners.

Why Should I Care?


One of the most significant advantages of eBPF is its performance. eBPF programs run in the kernel space, allowing them to be executed with minimal overhead and latency. As a result, eBPF-based solutions can offer superior performance compared to user-space alternatives for various use cases, such as network packet filtering, monitoring, and tracing.


eBPF's programmability enables developers to write custom programs tailored to their specific needs. This flexibility allows for innovative and efficient solutions to complex problems that would otherwise require modifying the kernel source code, recompiling, or introducing new kernel modules.


eBPF programs are sandboxed, which means they run in a controlled environment with limited access to kernel resources. Before loading an eBPF program, the kernel performs a series of checks to ensure the program's safety, such as verifying that it does not contain loops or access unauthorized memory regions. This approach significantly reduces the risk of introducing security vulnerabilities or system instability.


eBPF's ability to instrument various parts of the kernel makes it an excellent choice for monitoring and debugging complex systems. Developers can use eBPF to gain deep insights into system behavior and performance without incurring a significant overhead or impacting system stability.


The widespread industry support has resulted in a wealth of open-source tools and libraries that leverage eBPF's capabilities, making it easier for developers to adopt and benefit from the technology.

eBPF is an exciting and powerful technology that offers numerous benefits, such as improved performance, flexibility, security, and observability. Its growing popularity and adoption by major industry players have resulted in a vibrant ecosystem of tools and libraries, further enhancing its appeal. By understanding eBPF and its potential applications, developers and system administrators can leverage this technology to build more efficient, secure, and manageable systems.